Fall: How to prep your HVAC for Heating Season

Fall is just around the corner and whether you’re excited about the cool weather or not, it’s time to think about the heating season. Heating season is just what it sounds like – it means that you’ll be Fall is just around the corner and whether you’re excited about the cool weather or not, it’s time to think about the heating season. Heating season is just what it sounds like – it means that you’ll be switching from using AC in your home to using heat. Wondering why heating maintenance is a good idea for your home? Maybe you’re wondering what you can do to make the transition easier for your HVAC system? We’ll answer those questions in this blog!

Why You Should Prep for Heating Season 

There are a few reasons that we recommend having seasonal maintenance done as we switch to the cool fall weather. Below are 3 major reasons to get seasonal maintenance done as you switch from AC to heat. 

  • Fall Allergies: Just like in the spring, allergies can seriously pick up during the change of seasons. Fall allergies can be just as intense and annoying as their spring counterparts. Ragweed and Goldenrod are two of the biggest culprits during the fall. These plants can grow just about anywhere and their pollen travels easily. Routine maintenance means air filters will be changed and the system checked to help prevent the build up and circulation of allergens like these. 
  • Getting ahead on your indoor air quality: Seasonal maintenance is a great time to take charge of your home’s indoor air quality. Having the system thoroughly cleaned and checked can help remove dirt, mold, and allergens that may be lowering your air quality. You should also take advantage of the cooler weather by cleaning both the inside and outside of your HVAC system. Rake away leaves or debris that may have built up around your units and be sure to also clean your home, change your air filters, and check your ductwork. 
  • Efficiency and Lifespan: Doing seasonal maintenance can also help extend the life of your HVAC system. Preventive maintenance is KEY as it allows experts to catch small problems before they become costly. Doing seasonal maintenance can also help to improve the efficiency of your HVAC. Having a professional come out and help you switch from AC to heat can ensure that you’re getting the most out of your system. 

Ways to Help Prep for the Switch to Heat

Like we mentioned in the points above it’s important to do some seasonal cleaning. Cleaning out your home, around your system, air filters, and ducts can help make the transition to heat a lot easier. Here are some other things you can do to prep your HVAC for the switch to heat! 

  • Lower the thermostat and save yourself some money and energy 
  • Seal all air leaks around doors & windows to help keep heat inside your home
  • Clean your chimney (if you have one) and clear your gutters 
  • Make sure your registers stay open and unobstructed, even in empty rooms 

We hope that these tips will help you make the most of the seasonal maintenance season. A/C Masters is happy to come out and help you switch your system from AC to heat. We also want to remind you that it’s important to take good care of your HVAC system ALL of the time – not just seasonally. If you have questions regarding the heating season or you’re ready to make the switch give us a call at (757) 847-5252!

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