Changes In The HVAC Industry – What You Need To Know About New Energy Coding

As a homeowner, you understand the importance of maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient home. The HVAC industry is constantly evolving, and this year brings new energy code standards that homeowners should be aware of. The new energy codes set standards for the energy efficiency of HVAC systems, helping homeowners save money on energy costs and reduce their carbon footprint.

Energy codes are guidelines that set standards for the energy efficiency of structures. There are several benefits of energy codes for homeowners.

  • They help homeowners save money on energy costs.
  • Energy-efficient homes use less energy, which means lower energy bills.
  • Energy codes can also improve the comfort of homes by reducing drafts and uneven temperatures.
  • Energy-efficient homes tend to have a higher resale value than homes that are not energy-efficient.
Energy codes can impact homeowners in a few ways. If you are building a new home or making significant renovations to your existing home, you may be required to follow the latest energy codes. This may involve installing energy-efficient appliances, using energy-saving features, or making other changes to your home to improve its energy efficiency. If you are selling your home, you may be required to provide proof that your home meets certain energy code standards.

In the HVAC world, SEER ratings are used to compare the energy efficiency of different air conditioning systems. Homeowners should care about SEER ratings because a more energy-efficient air conditioning system can lower your utility bills. An air conditioning system with a high SEER rating will use less energy to cool a home, which can translate into a reduction of costs. In addition, a more energy-efficient air conditioning system may be eligible for energy-efficient tax credits or other incentives.

As of January 1, 2023, the SEER ratings have changed.. In the north, the SEER rating has increased from 13.0 to 14.0. In the south, the SEER rating has increased from 14.0 to 15.0. These new requirements mean that homeowners will need to have more efficient HVAC units in their homes. 

At A/C Masters, we can help you find the correct HVAC system for your home that will lead to major savings for you in the future. We know the importance of staying up to date on the latest HVAC developments and can assist you in finding the perfect system for your home to increase energy efficiency and lead to significant savings in the future. We offer a variety of brands and systems to meet the new energy code standards and fit any budget or desired features.

As a homeowner, it is important to be aware of the new energy code standards and how they may impact your home. At A/C Masters, we are dedicated to helping homeowners make informed decisions about their HVAC systems and provide the highest quality service and products. Contact us today at (757) 898-2894 or visit our website to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help.

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