5 Natural Ways to Lower Humidity in Your Home 

It’s been a hot and humid summer here in coastal Virginia, and our homes are often the only sanctuary away from the weather. But what happens when your home gets super sticky too? Today we want to look at what you can do to naturally lower the humidity in your home. 

Before we share tips for decreasing the humidity in your home, we want to remind you that some moisture isn’t bad. Humidity can keep the air and the temperature comfortable. These tips aren’t meant to remove all humidity, simply to decrease it to a more comfortable level. 

Tip 1: Consider redecorating with some air plants 

There is a particular category of indoor plants known as air plants. These plants are not grown in soil, meaning there’s no soil to add to the moisture in the air. Some of these plants even soak up moisture in the air, helping to lessen the humidity. Some examples of these plants are a Pink Quill, Sky Plant, or Cacticola. Be sure to do further research to ensure these plants are pet/kid friendly. 

Tip 2: Don’t let water damage sit 

If you have any water damage around your home, be sure that you get it repaired. Sitting water like this will add to the humidity in your home. It will also likely lead to mold growth, harming indoor air quality. Getting these water damage spots repaired can help you to lessen the humidity in your home and help protect you from mold. 

Tip 3: Make sure to keep your air circulated 

Ensuring the air in your home is regularly circulating through your home is important. It will help to ensure that the stagnant, humid air doesn’t sit. Keeping windows open on nice days can help create a cross breeze that will clear the old air and bring in new air. You can also turn fans on to help keep the air moving in your home. Another great idea is to use the vents in your bathroom or kitchen. These vents are there to help take stagnant air out so that it doesn’t sit, use them! 

Tip 4: Keep your HVAC system well maintained 

Keeping your HVAC system well maintained helps to ensure that the air in your home is fresh. A working HVAC system will help to move air throughout your home. If you notice mold growth or a dirty air smell, that may indicate a problem with your system. Fixing these problems ASAP can help keep your air clean. 

Tip 5: Keep basements and crawl spaces dry

If these areas of your home hold a lot of moisture, it will make the air throughout your home more humid. Keep these areas dry by avoiding overwatering outdoor plants and clearing gutters. A dry basement will lead to a less humid home and a happier you! 

We hope that these tips help keep your home comfortable for the remainder of the summer. Remember that a humid home isn’t necessarily wrong as long as it’s controlled and comfortable for you. If you need any assistance throughout this process, give us a call. We’re happy to come out and help you with your home’s air anytime! Just call (757) 898-2894. 

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